Hartung-Gorre Verlag
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Series in Communication Theory
Edited by Helmut Bölcskei
Volume 1
Markus E. Gärtner
Space-Time Coding and Multiple Access
in MIMO Fading Channels.
1. edition 2008. XX, 174
pages. EURO 64,00. ISBN 3-86628-181-1
The use of MIMO
techniques in wireless systems provides a powerful means to meet future demands
of higher spectral efficiency and improved link reliability. We investigate the
information-theoretic performance limits as well as practical coding techniques
for multiuser MIMO communications in frequency-selective fading channels.
Based on the characterization of the dominant error event regions, we devise
rate-dependent space-time/frequency code design criteria for fading MIMO
multiple-access channels. It is demonstrated that joint code designs taking the
presence of multiple users explicitly into account may be necessary. Our
multiuser code design criteria turn out to be optimal with respect to the
entire diversity-multiplexing trade-off. Furthermore, we show that the number
of receive antennas has a significant impact on the dominant error event
regions and hence, plays an important role in the code design criteria.
The use of CDMA is a viable option to accomodate multiple users in a communication system. We
identify conditions under which the sum capacity achieved by CDMA equals the
ergodic sum capacity of the fading MAC. Moreover, we show in the high- and
low-SNR regimes that CDMA is capable of achieving the same outage performance
as the fading MAC.
Finally, we establish for Ricean fading MIMO channels
the notion of a critical rate, below which communication at zero outage is
possible. The critical rate is shown to depend on the geometry of the Ricean and the Rayleigh fading channel components.
Series in Communication Theory
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