Series in Microelectronics

edited by        Wolfgang Fichtner
                        Qiuting Huang
                        Heinz Jäckel
                        Hans Melchior
                        George S. Moschytz
                        Gerhard Tröster

Vol. 169

Andreas Burg


VLSI Circuits for MIMO Communication Systems.

2006; 212 pages. € 64,00. ISBN 3-86628-066-1

The topic of this dissertation is the development of low-complexity  receivers for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication systems. In the thesis, the available algorithm choices for MIMO detection are analyzed and compared with respect to their error rate performance and their VLSI implementation complexity. For the most promising schemes, suitable hardware architectures are  proposed and new reduced-complexity algorithms are developed. The main contribution of this work is the development of new optimized algorithms and corresponding efficient VLSI architectures for MIMO detection with close-to maximum likelihood error rate performance based on tree-search algorithms. In conclusion, the presented application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) provide reference for the true silicon complexity of advanced
MIMO receivers.


Andreas Burg was born in 1975. He studied electrical engineering at the ETH Zurich and received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in 2000. He then joined the Integrated Systems Laboratory (IIS) of ETH Zurich to work on integrated circuits and signal processing for wireless communication. During his graduate studies he also worked at Siemens Semiconductor, San Jose, CA and during his doctoral studies, he was a visiting researcher with Bell Labs Wireless Research for a total of one year. In 2000, Mr. Burg received the ``Willi Studer Award'' and the ETH Medal for his diploma and his diploma thesis, respectively.


Keywords: MIMO, VLSI, Sphere Decoder, K-Best Decoder, V-BLAST, Maximum Likelihood, Wireless Communication, V-BLAST, Linear Detection


Series in Microelectronics

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