Hartung-Gorre Verlag
Inh.: Dr.
Renate Gorre D-78465
Konstanz Fon: +49 (0)7533 97227 Fax: +49 (0)7533 97228 www.hartung-gorre.de
Series in Microelectronics
edited by Wolfgang Fichtner
Qiuting Huang
Heinz Jäckel
Gerhard Tröster
Bernd Witzigmann
Stefan Schild,
Advanced Material
Modeling in EM-FDTD.
2009, 160 pages. € 64,00. ISBN 3-86628-238-9,
The objective
of this thesis was the development of novel approaches to meet the demands of
state-of-the-art high-performance electromagnetic (EM) finite-difference
time-domain (FDTD) solvers. In a first step, a new algorithm to generate
optimal grids for very complex simulations and geometries in real-time was
developed and incorporated into an interactive framework. Secondly, advanced
material models were investigated that are gaining in importance due to today's
increased computational power. A newly developed algorithm simulates very thin
metallic sheet structures and allows an efficient usage of the available
high-performance computing (HPC) systems. Finally, a novel auxiliary
differential equation (ADE) formulation was introduced to model linear and nonlinear
dispersion. It enables the simulation of materials with arbitrary combinations
of Drude, Lorentz and Debye poles, Raman scattering and the Kerr effect.
Stefan Schild received his MSc in
Electrical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH),
Zurich, Switzerland, in 2005. In spring 2005, he joined the Foundation for
Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT'IS), Switzerland where he
started to work on advanced FDTD techniques. In 2006, he also joined the
Laboratory for Integrated Systems (IIS) at the ETH Zurich to start working
towards his PhD in Electrical Engineering. His main research interests include
computer simulations in general and time-domain methods in particular.
Keywords: FDTD, simulation, modeling,
metals, thin , numerical analysis, dispersive media, nonlinear media, design
automation, mesh generation
Series in Microelectronics
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