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Series in Microelectronics
edited by Wolfgang Fichtner
Qiuting Huang
Heinz Jäckel
Gerhard Tröster
Bernd Witzigmann
Hektor Meier
Design, Characterization and
Simulation of Avalanche Photodiodes.
1st Edition 2011. VIII, 180 pages.
ISBN 978-3-86628-380-0
Two mesa InAlAs/InGaAs separated absorption, charge and multiplication
(SACM) avalanche photodiodes (APDs) for next generation 10 Gbit/s
fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) passive optical networks (PON) are designed,
characterized and analyzed. Furthermore, a 25 Gbit/s APD prototype is
The analysis of the device performance is supported by the simulation of
carrier transport within the APD in presence of fast changing, high electric
fields and transport across hetero-junction band diagram energy offsets. For
this purpose, a transport simulator based on the Monte Carlo (MC) method is
implemented. The band structure is represented by a spherical, non-parabolic
approximation with three conduction band and three valence band valleys. The
simulation results show good agreement with measurements and give insight to
performance critical physics, such as carrier velocity overshoots and non-local
impact ionization. The simulator allows a quantitative design optimization of
future APD devices.
About the
Hektor Meier was born in Lucerne,
Switzerland, on April 6, 1981. From 2001 to 2006 he studied electrical
engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich. He
received his Dipl. El.-Ing. ETH (MSc ETH) in 2006. In the same year he joined
the Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH Zurich, as research assistant in the the
computational optoelectronics group. His re- search focus on the numerical
simulation of non-equilibrium car- rier transport and the design of
next-generation avalanche photo- diodes.
Keywords: photodiode, avalanche
multiplication, non-local impact ionization, non-equilibrium carrier transport,
gain-bandwidth product, hetero junction, Monte Carlo, simulation
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