Series in Microelectronics

edited by       Wolfgang Fichtner
                        Qiuting Huang
                        Heinz Jäckel
                        Gerhard Tröster
                        Bernd Witzigmann

Vol. 218





Neviana Nikoloski,

EMF Risk Assessment:

Exposure Assessment and

Specialized Exposure Setups.

2012. XXIV, 136 pages. ISBN 978-3-86628-422-7











TOC of book



In the last two decades the widespread use of new wireless technologies and applications has increased public exposure to EMF radiation and has inevitably drawn attention to the safety of these technologies. The objective of the studies performed within the framework of this thesis was to address various aspects of exposure evaluation of low-level RF EM fields in support of the high priority scientific goals of the WHO research agenda on assessment of possible carcinogenic and co-carcinogenic effects of radio frequency (RF)  and microwave electromagnetic fields from new wireless technologies. In summary, the research performed for this thesis has provided a significant contribution to regulators and public health agencies by helping them to perform a sound and evidence-based EMF health risk assessment. Finally, the detailed characterization and dosimetric evaluation of the specialized in vivo  and in vitro exposure systems presented in this thesis can be used as a guideline for optimization of exposure concepts and dosimetry in future studies of biological effects from low level RF EMF exposure on animals or tissue cultures.


Neviana Nikoloski received her diploma degree in physics from the State University ''St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria. In 2000 she joined IT'IS Foundation in order to work on compliance evaluation of wireless technologies. In 2003, she started her doctoral studies at the Integrated Systems Laboratory of the ETH Zurich, working on design and dosimetric evaluation of specialized exposure systems for EMF risk assessment.


Keywords: EMF risk assessment, in vivo exposure, in vitro exposure, exposure systems, dosimetry, dosimetric evaluation, dosimetric concepts, exposure assessment, electromagnetic field risk, wireless technology


Series in Microelectronics

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