Hartung-Gorre Verlag
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Series in Quantum Electronics
edited by
Henry Baltes, Peter Günter, Ursula Keller,
Fritz K. Kneubühl = , Walter Lukosz,
Hans Melchior, Markus W. Sigrist
Anna Stampanoni Panariello
Laser-Induced Gratings in the Gas Phase:
Formation Mechanisms and Applications for Diagnostics
edition / 1. Auflage 2003, 98 pages / Seiten, € 64,00. ISBN 3-89649-855-X
dominant grating formation processes in the gas phase are electrostriction and
collisional relaxation of the absorbed laser energy. In this work the potential
of laser-induced transient gratings for the diagnostics in the gas phase is
demonstrated. The technique is applied to measure nonintrusively
temperatures of premixed CO/O2 and of methane/air flames in the pressure range between 1 and 25 bar. Laser-induced electrostrictive
gratings were used as well to determine air temperatures in a furnace at
atmospheric pressure up to 1400 K. In addition laser-induced electrostrictive gratings are used for the simultaneous,
instantaneous, nonintrusive and remote determination of flow velocity and
temperature in a submerged air jet at atmospheric pressure, and for
concentration measurements of binary gas mixtures of known temperature.
Moreover, the potential of the laser-induced grating technique for imaging
purposes is demonstrated by visualizing a helium flow in air and to map the
concentrations of particles in a sooty acetylene/air diffusion flame. The
induced density variation is calculated by solving the linearized hydrodynamic
equations. The contributions from electrostriction, instantaneous and slow
relaxation of the absorbed radiation energy into heat are given explicitly.
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