Series in Quantum Electronics
edited by
Henry Baltes, Peter Günter, Ursula Keller,
Fritz K. Kneubühl †, Walter Lukosz,
Hans Melchior, Markus W. Sigrist
Vol. 46
Femtosecond Mid-IR
Chirped Pulse Optical
Parametric Amplifier
edition 2008. XVI, 134
pages; € 64,00.
ISBN 978-3-86628-234-6
Intense femtosecond mid-infrared laser pulses are used
for many applications ranging from vibrational spectroscopy, monitoring of
molecular dynamics and high-field physics. Nowadays most of the laser sources
for these applications are titanium:sapphire-based
laser amplifier systems, limited to repetition rates typically between 1 and 10
kHz and requiring rather large and complex setups.
In this thesis the implementation of a novel laser
source is discussed based on chirped-pulse optical parametric amplification
(CPOPA). The presented CPOPA laser system is exclusively based on commercial
available diode pumped solid-state laser and fiber
laser technology. They are well-known for their compactness and stable operation.
The thesis covers the design and optimization of the
CPOPA system. Full three-dimensional simulations are used to get a detailed
insight into the nonlinear mixing and amplification process and its dynamic is
given. The same simulations are used to define necessary setup parameters for
broadband as well as efficient amplification and allowing the system to perform
µJ pulse energy at 100 kHz with femtosecond pulses.
The experimental part covers the demonstration of the
CPOPA seed laser system based on the difference frequency generation of the
frequency shifted outputs from a femtosecond fiber
laser amplifier. The central wavelength of the DFG is tunable
between 3.2 µm and 4.8 µm.
The amplification is demonstrated in a two-stage CPOPA
setup, where 1 µJ pulses are generated at a central wavelength of 3.5 µm and a
repetition rate of 100 kHz. The pulses are compressed to 90 fs by a prism
compressor and temporarily characterized by mid-infrared second harmonic generation
frequency resolved optical gating (SHG-FROG).
About the Author:
Christian Erny received his
diploma degree in physics from the ETH Zurich in 2004. He joined the Institute
of Quantum Electronics at ETH Zurich in the same year. His research focused on
development of laser sources for the mid-infrared providing femtosecond pulses
and a detailed study of the dynamics and depletion effects in PPLN based
optical parametric amplification processes.
chirped-pulse optical parametric amplification (CPOPA), optical parametric
chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA), difference frequency generation (DFG),
diode pumped solid-state laser, fiberlaser
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