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Series in Quantum Electronics
edited by
Henry Baltes, Peter Günter, Ursula Keller,
Fritz K. Kneubühl †, Walter Lukosz,
Hans Melchior, Markus W. Sigrist



Vol. 55

Oliver Heckl

Peak Power Scaling with

Modelocked Thin Disk Lasers


1st edition 2011. XXX, 130 pages, € 64,00.
ISBN 978-3-86628-411-1






Thin disk lasers are the laser technology that offers the highest output power without external amplification. Power levels of several thousand Watts are commercially available in the continuous wave regime. In pulsed operation, output powers exceeding 100 W have been demonstrated.

This thesis describes different approaches to increase the peak power of modelocked thin disk lasers along with regimes where they can be successfully used for strong field applications.

In this framework, the modelocked thin disk laser with the highest average output power was presented. The minimal pulse duration of modelocked thin disk lasers was substantially reduced and two compression schemes especially suitable for modelocked thin disk lasers were developed. Furthermore, the generation of high harmonic radiation was demonstrated with pulse energies readily provided by modelocked thin disk lasers. 


About the author:


Oliver H. Heckl received his Diploma in Physics in 2007 from the University of Augsburg, Germany. He joined the Institute of Quantum Electronics at ETH Zurich in the same year. His research interests focus on the development of ultrafast laser oscillators with high average powers and pulse energies with a special interest in increasing their peak power. Applications for these lasers are found in materials processing or high field physics experiments. He has written or co-authored more than 50 scientific journal articles and conference contributions.



Keywords: ultrafast lasers, Peak Power Scaling, modelocked Thin Disk Lasers

Series in Quantum Electronics

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