Hartung-Gorre Verlag
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ETH Series in Information Theory and its Applications,
Vol. 12
edited by Amos Lapidoth
Yiming Yan
Aspects of Channel
State Quantization
1st edition 2024. XIV, 164 pages, € 64,00.
This thesis investigates channels with an altruistic helper, a party
that observes the channel noise—or more generally, the channel state—and produces
rate-limited quantization to assist the data transmission. Various notions of
capacity, different revelation of assistance, and the impacts of whether the
helper is aware of the message being transmitted or whether a feedback link
exists are considered.
The thesis is structured in two primary parts. In the first part, four
different notions of capacity are considered on the additive noise channels
with a helper:
The first notion, referred to as the erasures-only capacity, requires
that the decoder must avoid unconscious errors but may declare decoding
failures with a small probability. We prove that on the memoryless
modulo-additive noise channels (MMANCs), the erasures-only capacity matches the
Shannon capacity. This result is generalized to continuous additive noise
The second and third notions considered are the listsize
capacity and the cutoff rate. The listsize capacity
requires that the decoder generate a list containing all possible messages, and
the ρ-th moment of the cardinality of that list
converge to one for given ρ > 0. The cutoff rate is similar but
restricts the list to messages at least as likely as the transmitted one. It is
demonstrated that on the MMANCs, the listsize
capacity equals the cutoff rate, and the same result is established on the
Gaussian channel with decoder assistance.
The fourth notion examined is the zero-error capacity, which requires
that the message be decoded with exactly zero probability of error. On the
MMANCs, both the scenarios with and without feedback are studied.
In its presence, a complete solution of said capacity is provided. In
its absence, a solution is provided when the alphabet size is prime. For all other cases, upper and lower bounds on the
capacity are derived, leading to a necessary and sufficient condition for its
positivity. Thanks to the helper, the zero-error capacity may increase by more
than the helper’s rate, and it can be positive yet smaller than one bit.
The second part of the thesis focuses on the effects of message
cognizance and feedback: In particular, the capacity of a state-dependent
discrete memoryless channel (SD-DMC) is derived for the setting where a
message-cognizant rate-limited helper observes the state sequence noncausally and provides its description to both encoder and
decoder. Said capacity is not increased if a feedback link from the receiver to
the encoder is introduced.
The same capacity is also derived for the Gaussian channel, and it is
demonstrated that message cognizance increases the channel capacity. In this
setting the feedback link—while not increasing capacity—eliminates the need for
the helper’s cognition of the transmitted message. Moreover, in this setting,
the results on capacity also hold for the cutoff rate and the listsize capacity.
Keywords: Additive-noise channel; cutoff rate; erasures-only capacity; feedback;
helper; listsize capacity; state-dependent channel;
zero-error capacity.
Reihe "ETH
Series in Information Theory and its Applications" im Hartung-Gorre Verlag
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