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Selected Readings in Vision and Graphics
edited by Luc Van Gool, Gábor Székely, Markus Gross, Bernt Schiele

Volume 47

Andreas Griesser


The Opportunistic SCAnneR

First edition 2007, XXII, 278 pages, € 64,00. ISBN 3-86628-178-1








The collection of measurement data of real existing objects has ever since been a request of our civilization. With the emergence of budget-priced computers and digital capturing devices, the demand rapidly increased for creating complete three-dimensional copies of objects. This was the birth of the field of 3D scanners.


The nowadays demands made on 3D scanners are quite manifold and imply high flexibility of the system, high framerates, high accuracy, robustness with respect to various properties of the captured objects, and finally low initial costs.


In this work we present two different systems for on-line real-time 3D reconstruction of rigid and non-rigid objects, based on discriminative optical methodologies for depth reconstruction. We discuss different aspects of the 3D model acquisition with respect to an integrated hardware/software design: image formation and capture, system calibration, data compression and transmission, and the reconstruction algorithm itself. As such, this work serves as basis for the generation of digital doubles.


About the author:


Andreas Griesser studied Telematics (information and communications technology) at the Technical University of Graz, Austria, from which he graduated with Master of Science in 2001. In 2002 he joined the Computer Vision Lab of the ETH Zurich, Switzerland, where he worked as a PhD student and research assistant in the field of real-time multi-camera 3D reconstruction. In 2007 he finished his doctoral thesis and was awarded the Ph.D. degree (Dr.sc.techn.) from the ETH Zurich.


Schlüsselwörter: 3D-Scanner, Rekonstruktion, Echtzeit, Digitale Kopien, GPU, Grafikkarte, Segmentierung, Visual Hull, Multikamera, Aktiv Stereo


Keywords: 3d-scanner, reconstruction, real-time, digital doubles, gpu, graphics hardware, segmentation, visual hull, multi-camera, active stereo


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