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Jayaprasad Arumughan


Investigations on Solar Grade Silicon and

Process Engineering of Advanced Silicon

Solar Cells


2007; 140 pages/Seiten,  € 128,00.

ISBN 978-3-86628-184-4













Improving solar cell efficiencies while Holding down the cost per solar cell is an important goal of Photo Voltaics research and development. It is commonly and well accepted in the Photo Voltaics industry that declining prices are an essential Strategie objective. Possible ways to achieve this goal and to maintain the growth of the Photo Voltaics industry are:

·        Novel SoG-Si purification techniques and process engineering of solar cells

·        Higher efficiencies using advanced processes, e.g. selective emitter structures

·        Thinner wafers and higher power Output using bifacial solar cell concepts

In this work, all three topics are addressed. Novel methods for the production of solar grade Si and various Standard technologies for Si production are discussed in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 deals with a high efficiency industrial silicon solar cell concept - Buried Contact Solar Cell (BCSC). In Chapter 3, novel bifacial solar cell concepts with a boron BSF are introduced.



Please pay attention to these books too:


Christopher Hebling

Die kristalline Silicium-Dünnschichtsolarzelle
auf isolierenden Substraten.

1999; VIII, 174 Seiten, € 65,45. ISBN 3-89649-455-4


Alexander Hauser

Die kristalline Siliziumsolarzelle.
Untersuchung der Einzelprozesse
und Entwicklung von Alternativen

2006; 132 Seiten; € 64,00. ISBN 3-86628-076-9


Sven Seren

Low Cost Solar Cells

from Fast Grown Silicon Ribbon Materials

2007, 144 pages/Seiten; € 64,00. ISBN-10: 3-86628-157-9

ISBN 978-3-86628-157-8


Claudia Strümpel

Application of Erbium-Doped
Up-Converters to Silicon Solar Cells.

Konstanz 2008, 144 pages/Seiten; EUR 128,00.
ISBN 978-3-86628-201-8


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