Hartung-Gorre Verlag

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First Edition Mai 2015



David Guttmann




Jewish life and suffering in Hungary

and on the 'Exodus' to Palestine back via

Hamburg and Bergen-Belsen to Eretz Israel.


Edited by Erhard Roy Wiehn

Konstanz 2015, 144 pages. € 18,00.

ISBN 978-3-86628-534-7







A word from the author

The idea of writing a personal story about my experiences in my childhood, and after the Holocaust – until I arrived to Israel in April 1948 – has cost me many sleepless nights. I was struggling with this idea without respite. I felt that I must write it, but when I was to begin, I was discouraged by the prevailing prejudice against the survivors of the Holocaust in many countries, including my own, in Israel. Finally, upon the advice of my dear friend, Professor Viktor Frankl (1905–1997) I actually started this work. And my soul responded positively. The manuscript was written in three weeks. The words were simply pouring out of my memory like water from a fountain. Still, many people, including some of my relatives, strongly objected to my effort. They tried to convince me that "so much had been written on the Holocaust that there is no need for another book, especially for a personal account of what happened to a Jewish boy in Budapest". After more than twenty years since this book has been published, I know that I did what my soul was yearning for so long ago. The book has been translated and published in Hebrew, Hungarian and in German. But its publication in English waited until now.


About the Author




The book in German language




David Guttmann,

Schwierige Heimkehr

Leben und Leiden in Ungarn,

dann auf der 'Exodus' und zurück

über Bergen-Belsen nach Tel Aviv.

Jüdische Schicksale 1944-1948.
Herausgegeben von Erhard Roy Wiehn
1997, 128 Seiten, € 14,83.
ISBN 3-89649-218-7








David Guttmann´s book is part of our books about Jewish fates of the holocaust from Hungary, edited by Erhard Roy Wiehn

Das Buch von David Guttmann ergänzt unsere Bücher über jüdische Schicksale aus Ungarn, die von Erhard Roy Wiehn herausgegeben wurden:


Zum Inhaltsverzeichnis / to the contents of Shoáh & Judaica / Jewish Studies


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