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Joachim Kalter,

Eine jüdische Odyssee / A Jewish Odyssey

Von Leipzig nach Polen abgeschoben und deutsche Lager überlebt. Ein Bericht.

Deportation from Leipzig to Poland and Survival in German Camps.

A Report 1938-1946.

Vorwort von / Preface by Edgar Hilsenrath. (Deutsch u. englisch).

1997, 142 Seiten, € 16,36. ISBN 3-89649-161-X










Out of the foreword of James Stuart Brice


Not to be forgotten

This is the story of a man whose autobiography the National Socialists surely did not want anyone to ever read. Indeed, they did not want him to survive to write it, and for this same reason, it is a story that should not be forgotten. The author's name is Joachim Kalter, in America 'Achie' Kalter. Born in 1923 in Leipzig, his family was expelled to Poland by the National Socialist government. After the occupation, he and his family ended in forced labor camps. Except for one brother, his family died in them.

I was quite impressed by the simple and direct way in which the author presented his story of his family's Holocaust experiences. It is simply written, unembellished, but it sums up the essence of one family' s fate at the hands of the Nazi regime.

One must remember that the text was written from memory shortly after the war. It differs from family histories based on letters, documents, diaries and reminiscences. These were all lost in the war, and even if they survived, it would have been hard to obtain them in the camps or after the war when the

text was written. Nor had conventional histories not yet been written to serve as background sources or refresh the author's memory. And at any rate, authorities in forced labor camps do not encourage the inmates to write diaries or gather information for later publication. They want everything kept

hidden from view that could incriminate them. The Nazis kept very detailed records of the inmates of the camp, but the purpose was not to provide historical documentation on their crimes.



„Was aufgeschrieben, veröffentlicht und in einigen Bibliotheken der Welt aufgehoben ist, wird vielleicht nicht so schnell vergessen.“ (Erhard Roy Wiehn)

Jewish Fates in Poland

Edited by Erhard Roy Wiehn

The contents of the Edition Shoáh & Judaica / Jewish Studies

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