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2018 |
Hans-Hermann Seiffert
Jewish Woman from Sehnde Comes Back
Gerda Rose
Survives the Death Camps Jungfernhof,
Kaiserwald and Stutthof, as well as the Death March
Edition 2018, 170 pages, hardcover € 24,80;
ISBN 978-3-86628-611-5
Hans-Hermann Seiffert
“My Beloved Children!”
Letters of Hella Schwarzhaupt to Her
Children from
Internment in Camps Gurs and Récébédou
English translation: Uta Allers. editing
Daniel Scharfman and
Ruth Schwarzhaupt
1st Edition 2015. 128 pages, many photos and documents.
€ 19,80. ISBN
Parts of the foreword of the
Letters as Evidence of Heroism
in the Face of Mortal Danger
The fate of the six-member Jewish family Schwarzhaupt, who had moved from Munich to Konstanz in
1933, has many parallels with the story of the Holocaust. It is the story of
the death of the parents during detention and in an extermination camp and the
survival of their children through the farsighted actions of the parents. Saul Friedländer and Serge Klarsfeld,
well-known Holocaust chroniclers, are examples of people saved from murder by
the rescue actions of their parents, while their parents were unable to save
Noteworthy in the case of the Schwarzhaupt
family are two points. One was the parents’ foresight, making sure their
children were sent away to safe places in other countries early in 1935 and
1939, a time when the total destruction of the Jewish population was not yet
apparent. Beyond that, the conviction of their detained mother, Hella, who,
after the death of her ailing husband in Camp Récébédou,
devoted herself even more to her children’s welfare, is aweinspiring.
Even from afar and living under life-threatening circumstances, the upbringing
of her underage children was the primary focus of her life
The existence of this series of about 30 letters,
written under the terrible conditions of detention by an authentic contemporary
witness, immediately awakened a strong urge in the author to record the life
story of the Schwarzhaupt family as comprehensively
as possible. The project was encouraged by Ruth Schwarzhaupt
and other descendants, who very much wanted a book to be written and were happy
to make their private archives available.
This book is dedicated to the memory of the heroic and
courageous couple,
Hella and Albert Schwarzhaupt!
Constance, October 2013 Hans-H.Seiffert
Publications of the Author in German
Johanna Hammel
Der Weg einer Jüdin aus Konstanz
durch Gurs nach Auschwitz-Birkenau.
1. Aufl. 2011, 104 Seiten,
zahlreiche Fotos und Dokumente. € 14,80.
Herausgegeben von Erhard Roy Wiehn
ISBN 978-3-86628-358-9 u. 3-86628-358-X
Hans-Hermann Seiffert
Entrechtet – verschleppt – ermordet
Der Weg der Konstanzer Jüdin Johanna Hammel in die
Gaskammer von Auschwitz-Birkenau
Herausgegeben von Erhard
Roy Wiehn
Aufl. Konstanz 2007. 56 Seiten.
€ 9,80. ISBN 3-86628-179-X
of stock)
Hans-Hermann Seiffert
In Argentinien gerettet -
in Auschwitz ermordet.
Die Schicksale
der jüdischen Familien Salomon Guggenheim aus Konstanz
Abraham Guggenheim aus Donaueschingen 1933-1942.
von Erhard Roy Wiehn
Aufl. 2010, 114 Seiten, zahlr. Fotos und Dokumente.
14,80. ISBN 978-3-86628-312-1
Hans-Hermann Seiffert
geliebten Kinder!“
Die Briefe der Konstanzer Jüdin Hella
Schwarzhaupt aus
der Internierung in Gurs und Récébédou
an ihre Kinder
1. Aufl. 2013, 138 Seiten, zahlr.
Fotos und Dokumente.
EUR 19,80. ISBN 978-3-86628-486-9
English books
on Shoah and Judaica
To the contents of the edition Shoáh & Judaica / Jewish Studies
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