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June 2018
Hans-Hermann Seiffert
A Jewish Woman from Sehnde Comes Back
Gerda Rose Survives the Death Camps Jungfernhof,
Kaiserwald and Stutthof, as well as
the Death March
1st Edition 2018, 170 pages, hardcover € 24,80;
ISBN 978-3-86628-611-5
Part of
the Welcoming Speech by the Mayor of Sehnde
Gerda Rose was born in Sehnde
in her parents’ home. The Rose family operated a business in Mittelstraße and was – just like the other Jewish citizens
– supposedly integrated in Sehnde.
That is, until the time that completely
“normal” men and women next-door – here in Sehnde too
– lost, betrayed and sold their humanity, their conscience and their morality.
The memory of the Holocaust continues to be an issue for all citizens. It is
also part of the history of our city, in which we regularly pass houses from
which Jews were deported and intentionally sent to their destruction.
The former German Federal President, Roman
Herzog warned us a few years ago: “Remembering must not end; it must sound an
alarm for future generations too. That’s why it’s important to find a form of
memorializing these events that have a connection to the future. It should
express mourning about the suffering and loss, be dedicated to commemorating
the victims and counteracting any sign of repeating itself.
I thank Frau Gerda Wasserman for her
courage in describing her fate and I thank Herr Hans-Hermann Seiffert for his work in putting together this book, which
will help us in never forgetting what happened.
Jürgen Lehrke
Mayor of the City of Sehnde
Other Books of the Author
Hans-Hermann Seiffert
Eine Sehnder Jüdin kommt
Gerda Rose überlebt die NS-Todeslager
Jungfernhof, Kaiserwald und Stutthof
sowie den Todesmarsch
1. Aufl. 2016, 128 Seiten, zahlr. farb.
Abb. und Dokumente.
EUR 19,80. ISBN 978-3-86628-568-2
Der Weg einer Jüdin
aus Konstanz
durch Gurs nach Auschwitz-Birkenau.
1. Aufl. 2011, 104 Seiten,
zahlreiche Fotos und Dokumente. € 14,80.
Herausgegeben von Erhard Roy Wiehn
ISBN 978-3-86628-358-9 u. 3-86628-358-X
Hans-Hermann Seiffert
Die Briefe der Konstanzer Jüdin Hella
Schwarzhaupt aus
der Internierung in Gurs und Récébédou
an ihre Kinder
1. Aufl. 2013, 138 Seiten, zahlr.
Fotos und Dokumente.
19,80. ISBN 978-3-86628-486-9
in Englisch:
Hans-Hermann Seiffert
Letters of Hella Schwarzhaupt
to Her Children from
Internment in Camps Gurs and Récébédou
Edition 2015. 128 pages,
many phots and documents.
19,80. ISBN 978-3-86628-521-7
Hans-Hermann Seiffert
Argentinien gerettet -
in Auschwitz ermordet.
Die Schicksale
der jüdischen Familien Salomon Guggenheim aus Konstanz und Abraham Guggenheim
aus Donaueschingen 1933-1942.
Konstanz 1. Aufl. 2010, 114 Seiten, zahlreiche Fotos und Dokumente. € 14,80.
Herausgegeben von Erhard Roy Wiehn
ISBN 978-3-86628-312-1 u. 3-86628-312-1
English books
on Shoah and Judaica
To the contents of the edition Shoáh & Judaica / Jewish
in Ihrer Buchhandlung, bei www.amazon.de
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